High Plains Chautauqua



High Plains Chautauqua celebrates 20th anniversary


High Plains Chautauqua will celebrate 20 years of bringing history to life, when eight memorable figures will appear on stage August 5-8. Chautauqua offers a unique blend of theatre, history, and the humanities under the big tent where audiences meet and engage in conversation with personalities from the past. The event takes place on the Aims Community College campus. All events are free and open to the public.


Reflected in our theme “Encore! Celebrating 20 Years of Living History,” this year’s program will bring back audience favorites who performed in Greeley once or more in the past 20 years. Representing multiple time periods and disciplines, the contributions of these characters helped to shape the destiny of our nation.


New This Year

In addition to sharing the scholarship of historical characters, Chautauqua will add a community conversation following this year’s program, offering the audience an opportunity to engage in a guided discussion of issues from our history that remain controversial today.

